Some people love ‘em and some people hate ‘em. We are, of course, talking about coffee pods. They have been blamed for the death of the classic espresso and barista artistry but what they offer commercial businesses is convenience.

Convenience is the key word when it comes to coffee capsules. They saw a boom in popularity as home coffee makers landed on shop shelves. Coffee pods allow ordinary folk to create a “spot-on” brew every. single. time.

Coffee capsules allow food service businesses, like cafes, coffee shops and restaurants, to create superior quality espresso at the touch of a button. Find out why else coffee capsules might be the right choice for your coffee business …


Coffee pods make exquisite coffee without the need for specialist barista training

When it comes to traditional espresso methods, there are a lot of things to consider and a lot of elements to perfect - from grinding the coffee beans at just the right moment to tamping the coffee with just the right amount of pressure. And that’s before you even start operating the espresso machine!

Coffee in coffee capsules has already been ground, measured and tamped for optimal extraction which eliminates the risk of mediocre coffee because one of your baristas is having a bad day and forgot part of the process. In fact, it even removes the need for a barista because the level of skill and knowledge required to use coffee capsules in a commercial coffee machine is much less than with traditional methods.


Coffee pods stay fresher for longer

The flavours and aroma of the freshly ground coffee beans are preserved inside the coffee capsule until it is opened and used, whereas normal coffee starts to lose both as soon as it is opened.

We always advise that our customers keep their coffee in airtight containers because it helps to maintain the flavour of the coffee for longer. However, an unopened coffee pod can stay fresh for up to 18 months!

Brands like Lavazza and Melitta manufacture very high-quality coffee pods, suitable for commercial and home-use.


Coffee pods mean less cleaning and less waste

We have already said that coffee pods simplify the brewing experience and remove the need for specialist barista training but single-serve coffee machines also need less cleaning because coffee pods make less of a mess than traditional espresso methods.

All you need to do is make sure the container has plenty of water, add the coffee capsule and push a button – and Voila, one delicious hot brew just for you!

All of the ground coffee is contained within that single coffee pod so there are no spillages, no tamping, no emptying, no wasted coffee, and no coffee grinds to clean up from the machine shower head.


Coffee pods are time-efficient

Coffee capsules can save cafes and restaurants a lot of time because the preparation time is shorter and simpler. You can expect to have a high-quality coffee within 2-3 minutes. However, with traditional espresso methods, you need to grind the coffee beans, measure the coffee and then tamp it. Next, you have to start thinking about water temperature and quantities …

Thanks to the efficiency of coffee pods, café and restaurant owners no longer have to pay the higher salaries that an experienced, professional barista asks for because coffee capsules produce consistently good coffee, delivering equally great quality and taste every single time. You don’t even need to know the recipes of the brew you want to prepare because coffee pods contain all the pre-ground coffee and milk powder you need!

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