Whilst it once seemed a very “Parisian” thing to do, visiting coffee shops is increasingly becoming a big part of British culture. Indeed, it seems that we Brits are full of beans because two thirds of us have visited a coffee shop in the last three months. It is most popular among 16-24 year olds.

According to Mintel research, the coffee shop market was valued at £3.4 billion in 2016, compared to £2.2 billion in 2008. That’s a huge increase and perhaps more impressively, the market is brewing up for further success. Over the next five years, coffee shop sales are predicted to hit £4.3 billion, which is a massive 29% increase.

It is now so easy for coffee retailers to offer barista-style coffee on their menus. Even non-specialist venues can offer delicious coffee to habitual caffeine absorbers. Change Beverages supply a multitude of first-rate coffee machines which can help your business compete with the big players. A barista machine creates the coffee shop experience without the need for hiring extra staff.

All of our machines come with expert advice and support, including installation and repairs. If you are thinking of having a slice of the coffee shop market, get in touch. We can help you out………..